Double Distinction: Filter’s Finest Shine Bright at the BIMA 100 Awards

On 21st May, at an awards ceremony in London, Paul Halfpenny, Filter’s CTO & Founder and Allie Tupper, our Digital Project Manager were recognised with a BIMA 100 2024 award for their hard work and dedication in their fields.

Paul won within his category of CEOs & Leaders, and Allie within the Client Services & Project Management category.

The BIMA 100 award stands as a beacon of excellence within the dynamic landscape of the United Kingdom’s digital and tech industry. 

Every year, the BIMA 100 award recognises various professionals within their member companies spanning disciplines such as digital design, technology, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more. 

Launched by the UK’s British Interactive Media Association (BIMA), this prestigious accolade celebrates the remarkable achievements of those 100 individuals who have demonstrated exceptional talent, innovation, and leadership in their respective fields.

With a rigorous selection process and a keen eye for groundbreaking contributions, the BIMA 100 shines a spotlight on those who push the boundaries of what’s possible in the ever-evolving realm of digital innovation.

We asked our two winners a few questions about their recent achievements and what it means to them. 

  1. What was your initial reaction when you found out you were selected as a BIMA 100 award winner?

    Paul: I was thrilled and honoured to be recognised among such talented professionals. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team at Filter.

    Allie: To be honest, when I first got the ‘Congratulations’ email, I thought it was some sort of phishing thing, as I didn’t know I’d been entered. Once I got over that, I was incredibly flattered.

  2. What impact do you hope your recognition as a BIMA 100 award winner will have on your career or field?

    Paul: I hope this recognition will inspire others in the digital and tech industry to strive for excellence and innovation. Personally, it’s a great motivator to continue pushing the boundaries and leading by example.

    Allie: Just the fact that the Client Services & Project Management functions get their own category in the awards is great. We may not be seen as the most glamorous side of digital but we’re the grease that keeps things running smoothly.

  3. What advice would you give to aspiring professionals in the digital and tech industry who aim to achieve similar recognition?

    Paul: Keep learning, never be afraid to take risks and don’t worry if you make a mistake. Everyone has, they just never mention them. Aside from that, building a strong network and being passionate about what you do are also crucial.

    Allie: Bring your authentic self to your role. Don’t be afraid to speak up and change the status quo. Work hard and hope you’re lucky enough to find yourself as part of the best team out there.

  4. How do you plan to use your platform as a BIMA 100 award winner to further advance innovation and creativity in your field?

    Paul: I plan to leverage this platform to share insights and experiences, and to generate and collaborate on new projects that drive positive change.

    Allie: I plan to shed light on the alchemy that is successful digital project management. Remove the yoke of the Gannt chart from projects.

  5. How do you see the digital and tech landscape evolving in the coming years, and what role do you hope to play in that evolution as a BIMA 100 award winner?

    Paul: It will clearly evolve rapidly with the advancements constantly being made in AI, machine learning, and immersive technologies. I hope to lead initiatives that harness these technologies to create impactful digital experiences.

    Allie: I’ve been in this game since the late nineteen hundreds (it was Nokia phones and dial-up connections when I started) and while it’s constantly evolving and changing, the through line in it all has been that digital should help or enhance people’s lives. I never want to lose the focus that everything we do is about people.

  6. Could you tell us about your experience in working at Filter in relation to your win?

    Paul: Being a co-founder at Filter has been incredibly rewarding as Olly and I have been able to bring together an experienced team that we both believe and trust in. Our culture of collaboration and continuous improvement has been instrumental in our success, this award is as much a reflection of our team’s effort as it is of my own.

    Allie: Truthfully, this win is down to Filter. I am lucky to be part of a company that lives and breathes the values it lists on its About page. The culture at Filter is one of supportive collaboration, where everyone’s voices are heard. I’m only a BIMA 100 award winner because of the wonderful people I work with and the incredible team that I’m part of. It makes coming to work every day a joy.

BIMA 100 Winner

Paul Halfpenny, CTO

Paul’s role within the agency is to provide and oversee technical expertise within the business. His direction, alongside his business partner, Oliver Morrison, drives the agency’s success.

He has been the driving force behind numerous innovative initiatives that have not only elevated Filter’s technological expertise for our clients but have also made a substantial impact on the wider industry and the company itself.

Paul has steered Filter into a new era of technological leadership. His content contributions and speaking engagements with companies like WP Engine, not only offer valuable industry insights but also showcase his engaging and humorous personality, making complex topics accessible and enjoyable.

BIMA 100 Winner

Allison Tupper, Digital Project Manager

Allie’s versatile approach to project management and dedication to cultivating an inclusive and empowering work culture has set her apart as a catalyst for positive change.

She is constantly improving Filter’s systems and processes, ensuring team members remain connected and projects progress efficiently with buy-in from all stakeholders before any rollout of new processes.

Her technical background enhances the project outcomes and positions our team as industry leaders in the solutions we put to our clients.

Rachel Berry

Head of Client Services

Approachable and down to earth, Rachel has a history of building strong, trusted client relationships. She’s experienced in delivering digital solutions across a range of technologies and channels. Results-focused, she believes in always doing the right thing for your business.

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