Emilia Capital Recognises PersonalizeWP’s Potential at WordCamp Europe 2023

This year, we attended WordCamp Europe with our biggest team yet and pitched to Emilia Capital for funding during our attendance, keep reading to find out what happened.

Edit: Please note that WP-DXP is now known as PersonalizeWP.

Last week, we had the absolute pleasure of flying over to Athens, Greece to attend WordCamp Europe 2023.

We first attended the world renowned conference back in 2022, where our CTO, Paul Halfpenny, was invited to give a lightning talk on our WordPress personalisation plugin PersonalizeWP.

Since then, our team have been working hard to improve the plugin and introduce a range of new functionality. We are now on version 1.6 which included a new intuitive dashboard, improved settings and more important updates. Find out more about version 1.6 here.

This years WCEU conference had a wide range of excellent sponsors but one in particular caught our eye by offering an amazing opportunity to pitch for funding.

Emilia Capital sponsored WordCamp Europe this year because they are truly passionate about the WordPress community. The company decided to set up an investment booth at the conference, in order to find some new investment opportunities within the WordPress space.

Who are Emilia Capital?

Emilia Capital is a Dutch holding company for Joost de Valk & Marieke van de Rakt, who are most famous for building the widely used Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress.

Joost & Marieke sold Yoast in 2021 and now Emilia Capital invests in a variety of companies who are involved in the WordPress ecosystem.

The company’s main goal is to make the world wide web a better place by investing in key players with interesting solutions on offer.

Emilia Capital at WCEU

Emilia Capital attended WordCamp Europe 2023 in Athens, Greece as a sponsor and also set up an investment booth for potential collaboration prospects.

You can hear more about their approach by listening to the most recent Post Status podcast episode here.

The investment booth allowed businesses to book a 10 minute slot to give a pitch and then Joost & Marieke gave either a yes or a no decision, right there and then!

The Filter team booked the first slot of the conference, to pitch for funding to further develop our personalisation plugin, PersonalizeWP.

Pitching to Emilia Capital

Our CTO, Paul Halfpenny, put together an excellent pitch deck and talked through the ethos of PersonalizeWP, how the project has progressed so far and how we want to develop it in the future.

Paul explained that personalisation is currently a missing feature in WordPress core and it’s not in its current roadmap moving forward.

We created PersonalizeWP to fill this gap and enable everyday users to utilise personalisation features.

We are very excited to say, after the pitch Paul sat down for a chat with Joost & Marieke and they said yes to investing in PersonalizeWP!

Needless to say, the team were very happy with the result, there were lots of smiles and even a round of applause from the supporting audience at the booth.

We are delighted that Emilia Capital have agreed to invest in our innovative WordPress plugin, PersonalizeWP. This partnership marks a significant milestone in the development of PersonalizeWP, and we are thrilled to have the support of Emilia Capital on this journey.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to WordCamp Europe 2023 and Emilia Capital for providing us with this exciting opportunity.

We also want to express our appreciation to our dedicated team, whose relentless efforts have contributed to the continuous improvement and enhanced functionality of PersonalizeWP. This achievement would not have been possible without their hard work and commitment.

What is PersonalizeWP?

PersonalizeWP is a WordPress plugin by Filter which can help you to implement personalisation features within WordPress in a few easy steps. The plugin works in conjunction with the Gutenberg block editor to provide a simple and clear pathway to this functionality.


The atmosphere at Filter HQ is electric as we continue to bask in the excitement of WordCamp Europe 2023. The future looks incredibly promising for our personalisation plugin, PersonalizeWP. Stay tuned for exciting updates and innovations that lie ahead!

Don’t miss out on our recent content from WordCamp Europe 2023. Explore it all by following the links below. Discover how PersonalizeWP can revolutionise your business by clicking here.

Join us on this thrilling journey and witness the transformative power of PersonalizeWP firsthand. The best is yet to come!

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