4 Reasons Personalisation Should Be Included in WordPress Core

In this article, we explore why personalisation should be included in the WordPress core by looking at four key reasons.

WordPress is the leading content management system (CMS) online today, currently powering over 40% of all websites. Its user friendly interface, extensive plugin ecosystem and robust features make it an excellent choice for businesses.

However, there is one area where we feel WordPress Core falls short and that’s personalisation. Despite its remarkable capabilities, WordPress still lacks native personalisation functionality, limiting website admins ability to deliver tailored experiences to their visitors.

Our CTO, Paul Halfpenny, recently spoke about this issue on the WP Tavern podcast with Nathan Wrigley and explained how our very own personalisation plugin for WordPress could be an efficient solution for businesses.

Please note: PersonalizeWP was formerly known as WP-DXP.

With tools like PersonalizeWP for WordPress, it is now easier than ever to deliver customised experiences that resonate with your target audience.

Paul Halfpenny

CTO, Filter

As a trusted digital partner for a wide variety of businesses from all different sectors, we feel personalisation should be included within WordPress core for four key reasons:

1. Elevating User Experience

By integrating personalisation capabilities directly into WordPress core, website owners could take user experience to the next level.

Imagine a website that greets visitors by name, offers personalised recommendations based on their browsing history & presents content that resonates with their specific interests. Personalisation enhances engagement, captivates users and most importantly keeps them coming back for more.

2. Boosting Conversion Rates

Personalisation has a proven track record of boosting conversion rates and driving revenue growth. When visitors encounter tailored content and offers that align with their preferences, they are more likely to take action.

With personalisation in WordPress core, website owners would be able to create highly targeted campaigns, optimise product recommendations & deliver personalised promotions. Resulting in increased conversions and higher revenue.

90% of leading marketers say personalisation significantly contributes to business profitability.

Marketing & Measurement Survey

Econsultancy and Google

Download the Marketer’s Guide to Personalisation

Introducing our new eBook, part of the Filter team’s Enterprise Series. This edition explores the power of Personalisation, guiding businesses on delivering tailored content to website visitors based on their interactions and browsing history.

3. Cultivating Customer Loyalty And Satisfaction

In today’s digital landscape, customer satisfaction and loyalty are paramount. Personalisation in WordPress core would enable website owners to create experiences that make users feel understood and valued.

By leveraging user preferences, previous interactions, and behavioural data, websites can deliver personalised journeys that cater to individual needs. This fosters customer loyalty, builds trust, and cultivates long-term relationships with users.

4. Gaining A Competitive Edge

Personalisation has become an essential element within the highly competitive digital sphere, with many customers now expecting personalisation as standard.

In an era where user-centric experiences drive success, personalisation becomes the driving force behind staying ahead of the competition.

76% of consumers get frustrated by businesses who do not offer personalised experiences.

Next In Personalisation 2021 Report

McKinsey & Co

Adding Personalisation To WordPress

PersonalizeWP is a WordPress plugin by Filter which can help you to implement personalisation features within WordPress in a few easy steps. The plugin works in conjunction with the Gutenberg block editor to provide a simple and clear pathway to this functionality.


Overall, we believe that WordPress core should embrace personalisation as an integral feature, sooner rather than later. By elevating user experience, boosting conversion rates, nurturing customer loyalty, and gaining a competitive edge, personalisation in WordPress core would ultimately propel websites into a new era of digital success.


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