WordCamp Europe 2020 Goes Online

The Filter team watch, listen and learn from this year’s virtual WordCamp Europe.


WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. Designed and organised by the WordPress community, these events have become a key date in the diary for our team.


The 8th annual WordCamp Europe 2020 Online took place earlier this month with a virtual Contributor Day followed by two half days of live-streamed talks and workshops.


The virtual conference had almost 9,000 attendees from 140 countries tuning in, which is a testament to the communities continuing interest and appetite to learn more. Core developers to casual users logged on to listen to a series of lightning talks, Q&A sessions and keynote talks.


A multitude of topics were covered including ‘PHP: a glimpse into the future’, covering the symbiotic relationship of WordPress and PHP, where the proliferation of one benefits the other and vice versa.


Other notable topics comprised ‘Opportunities, scaling and customising WooCommerce’, Nine ways to make WordPress better with AI’, toWordPress Performance Trends’.


Matt Wullenweg, the WordPress creator, also hosted a unique and insightful conversation which included a demo of what’s coming up with the WordPress 5.5 release.


The team at Filter joined many of the sessions throughout the weekend, with CTO Paul Halfpenny specifically valuing the opportunity to hear from other WordPress developers, learning more about what’s new, in development and the platform challenges that are being overcome.


WordPress, released in 2003 is now the most dominant content management system on the market, evolving thanks to the active WordPress community. We value WordPress because almost all the functionality that you need is readily available or can be added through a custom theme or custom plug-in.


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