Insights From WordCamp Europe 2023: Empowering Women in Tech

After attending this years WordCamp Europe conference in Athens, we sat down with our Head of Client Services, Rachel Berry, to get an idea of the insights gained through the event surrounding women in technology.

We had an incredible experience at WordCamp Europe 2023 in Athens, with our largest group to date, including 3 of our female colleagues.

The conference offered a diverse range of speaker sessions that left a lasting impact on our team.

Notable sessions included:

Following the conference, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Rachel to gain her insights on the event’s relevance to client services and women in tech. She graciously shared her key takeaways, which shed light on important considerations in both realms.

Read below to delve into Rachel’s invaluable insights and explore the key lessons she highlighted from WordCamp Europe 2023.

Behind every successful client engagement, there’s a strong team

Successful client engagements are built on the foundation of a strong and cohesive team. Collaboration, effective communication and a shared commitment to our clients’ success form the pillars that empower us to deliver unmatched service and value.

In addition to our internal team, we recognise the significance of the wider network of women who support and uplift each other. Behind every accomplished woman stands a multitude of remarkable women, providing unwavering support and encouragement. We celebrate the transformative power of unity and solidarity among women, acknowledging that their collective strength amplifies individual achievements.

Adding value should be at the forefront of client services

In the realm of client services, the fundamental question of value-addition should always remain at the forefront of every interaction.

Miriam passionately emphasises the significance of this aspect when pitching ideas to clients.

Understanding that value is not just measured in terms of financial gains but also in the transformative impact on clients’ businesses, it’s important to approach each project with a deep sense of responsibility.

Building trust is paramount for successful relationships, both internally and with clients

Trust is a vital element in client relationships and working with internal teams. Building strong connections builds confidence in clients, allowing them to make informed decisions when choosing to partner with Filter.

Nurturing trust forms the foundation of successful client and team engagements. Amy’s views on supporting women in the workplace were that if you invest in your employees (or clients), they will trust you and in turn provide you with additional business opportunities.

Storytelling and personalisation play a pivotal role in capturing clients attention

In an age where facts alone may not suffice, the art of storytelling and personalisation plays a crucial role in capturing clients’ attention.

Filter understands the significance of crafting compelling narratives and incorporating personal elements that resonate with our audience, creating deeper connections and emotional engagement.

For example, Amy’s talk on supporting women in tech featured her lived experiences around pay-gaps, unfair maternity cover, lack of support for childcare in the workplace, and even touched on her own experience of domestic abuse and how employers can help.

Download The Marketer’s Guide To Personalisation

To find out more about the benefits of personalisation and why it’s essential to business success, make sure to download our free enterprise guide.

It’s important to empower women in the tech industry

Miriam’s emphasis on empowering women in the tech industry struck a chord with the Filter team. Recognising and celebrating strengths is important.

Supporting each other, and breaking down barriers, such as when women colleagues feel a sense of imposter syndrome are important.

Being aware of these elements collectively are crucial in bringing about change in the landscape of tech. Filter is committed to fostering an inclusive environment, empowering women, and contributing to a diverse and thriving tech ecosystem.


WordCamp Europe 2023 served as an inspiring platform for professionals to exchange ideas, gain fresh perspectives, and forge valuable connections. The Filter team’s participation in this global event exemplified their dedication to delivering exceptional client services and empowering women in the tech industry.

Implementing these insights into our work, in leveraging our exceptional team, nurturing trust, embracing storytelling, sharing our personal experiences and fostering authentic conversations, Filter is poised to elevate our client services to new heights.

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