The evolution of personalisation and why it’s essential to business success
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With tools like PersonalizeWP for WordPress, it is now easier than ever to deliver customised experiences that resonate with your target audience
Paul Halfpenny
CTO, Filter
Our latest eBook is part of a new Enterprise Series from the Filter team, designed to help you navigate the ever-changing business landscape.
This edition focuses on Personalisation and how businesses can deliver highly personalised content to their website visitors based on their previous interactions and browsing history.
Personalisation helps you deliver more memorable, meaningful experiences to your customers by engaging directly with their specific interests.
It also gives you more insight into your target audience’s demographics, behaviours, and preferences.
This additional customer intelligence can enable you to tailor your content, marketing strategies, and even your products and services to resonate more closely with your ideal customer profiles (ICP).
Over the first few months of 2023, generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, like ChatGPT, have exploded on to the scene and begun transforming personalisation capabilities.
These AI-driven systems can analyse user behavior, preferences, and browsing history to create a tailored experience on a much deeper level, without any manual effort from you or your team.
This creates an even greater opportunity, if you’re able to leverage it strategically, and ethically, to engage your site visitors.