Filter featured in this month’s Health and Safety Briefing

Filters CEO, Oliver Morrison has been featured in this month’s Health and Safety Briefing, bringing news, analysis and insight to those working within the health and safety sector.

Health and Safety Briefing

Having reported on Filters new Safe For Work app, they were keen to hear more from Oliver about how you create a COVID-safe and secure workplace for your employees. 


With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to effect working lives well into the winter months, employers are having to reassess their health and safety guidance for staff.  


Employers across all sectors and industries are introducing several new measures to protect their staff and to minimise risk. Whilst employers can control, to an extent, what safety measures they introduce and how they implement them, empowering employees to follow them correctly and safely is paramount. 


Clear communication across a business is crucial to ensure everyone on-site is following the health and safety guidelines and rules. There is also a real need to ensure employees are symptom-free before they enter a place of work in the first place. 


But how can you check your employees are well and reporting no symptoms of infectious diseases before they arrive for work? In Oliver’s article, he lays out some useful questions to use to regularly check-in on employee wellbeing, to support effective and safe working.


Click here to read the full article.


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