This week is Mental Health Awareness Week (from the 9th to 15th May 2022) and this years theme is loneliness. The campaign was created 12 years ago and each year the Mental Health Foundation continues their important work to raise awareness.
As a remote-first agency, we use a variety of tools to combat loneliness and make sure every member of our team feels connected and involved. We hold team calls at the beginning and end of each week as well as daily project stand-ups, to give everyone an opportunity to talk about their achievements, plans ahead and any concerns they may have.
We also use Slack as a messaging platform to keep each other up to date, raise any issues throughout the week or just to have a quick chat. We recently added a channel called ‘Pets of Filter’ where we share pet updates, of course this has been very popular with the team!
If you’re looking for resources on mental health for your business, we have put together a list of useful links below:
There are a number of useful toolkits available at the Mental Health at Work website which can help businesses tackle important issues and challenges. For example, they have a toolkit on how to help your team juggle work, LGBTQI+ inclusivity and how to help colleagues cope after the uncertainty of the pandemic. Click here to browse the toolkits.
The Federation of Small Business has put together a variety of resources in order to help businesses get started with workplace wellbeing. Some notable resources include the mental health checklists, an active employer toolkit and information on volunteering. Click here to read more.
You can find important information at the ACAS website on how to support a team member who may be experiencing a mental health issue. This page details the law, your responsibilities as an employer and it’s important to speak openly about mental health in the workplace. Click here to visit the ACAS website.
Business in the Community has partnered with Public Health England to create a toolkit to help businesses support the mental health and wellbeing of their team. This free toolkit suggests a range of actions businesses can take to promote better mental health at work. Click here to go to the BITC website.
If you’d like to read more about our company values or how to join our team, make sure to visit our careers page.