Introducing Lech Boron

Lech is Filters Head of Development bringing with him a vast amount of tech knowledge and know how. We have kept him quite hidden until now, but thought it was about time we shared a little insight into his role.


Describe your role in no more than 100 words

In my role I am like Jafar from Aladdin in no way. I am the technical guy. I build, fix, debug, maintain, design full stack web and mobile applications as well as offer technical assistance and carry out system administration tasks.

What’s your development environment set up?

Mac Laptop combined with iPhone and Android handsets for testing. I like to remain unencumbered by technology so that I can develop from anywhere in the world if need be.

Describe a successful project you have worked on.

All our projects our successful. Whether it’s a piece of web development or App build, I am privileged to work on such a variety of projects. We also have our Filter Labs function which has enabled us to work on our own custom platforms such as Sports Star Influencer, which has been really interesting.

What’s been your hardest problem to solve technically?

I forget hardship very quickly and make notes to ensure that the hardship does not occur again. However, with their APIs in constant flux I would say that working with the top social platforms can be frustrating at times.


How do you manage a healthy work-life balance?

I maintain a fairly rigid work ethos interspersed with concurrent varying daily fitness programmes (I have a treadmill under my desk and I rarely sit down with the laptop unless I have a rest day). I adhere to normal business hours and try to stay away from technology in my free time to promote a healthy work-life balance.

What’s the most satisfying project you have worked on?

Anything to do with Laravel I would say, as it is such an elegantly crafted, intuitive, clean PHP framework that it is a pleasure to develop in.

What are your favourite programming languages to work with?

Not sure favourite is the correct term, I use mainly PHP and Javascript for scripting combined with HTML and other similar markup languages for page layouts.

I do very much like Laravel as I mentioned before, which is a PHP framework.

Vue.js is also a nifty bit of kit. Vue.js is an alternate state-based approach to javascript coding which does a lot of the legwork for you. It allows you to specify how something should be rendered given a set of state variables and if the state variables change the content displayed shifts to accommodate the new values. It makes it easier to keep track of what is being shown to the user especially for complicated user interfaces.


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